P is for Peace

Protesting the protestors’ protest

Right on time

Of protested protest

To put the pro

Easily back in protest

Start the test

To see what brings peace


dVerse prompt on protest poetry. During the Vietnam War protests we were sewing P arm bands. P was for peace

P is for Peace


Blue is the color of the sky

or the water when it runs clean enough

there is a line called the horizon

that when seen from mid ocean

becomes a circle

not 360 degrees of separation

rather a binding look at a whole world


dVerse quadrille prompt on sky



In their dreams 

they sleep with the moon

          by Mary Oliver from Death at Wind River

Subquishable wants to know where did you go; your background and foreground; lay of the line. Keep it personal, submittable, short and divine, but the words aren’t right because some have already been taken, so touché to cliche! Use them anyway. If structure is not your master, remember Cummings put a letter anywhere. When punctuation creeps into the fray, there is no rule that wants to stay. Hang those commas in the air; see them everywhere. Use the Dickinson dash without remorse. Watch out for song and rhyme because it just might make a poem subquishable.


dVerse prompt on prosery combined with a line from Mary Oliver.  This prose poem is definitely subquishable.


Moon Moth

THOSE stories we tell—

PALE riders going from

FLOWERS to flowers—

MIGHT return before dawn

STILL busy depositing eggs—

HAVE this one last task

TIME & fulfillment

TO perpetuate a species

FRUIT for thé next generation


dVerse prompt to use this line by Karina Borowicz—

« Those pale flowers might still have time to fruit. »

The luna moth lacks a mouth so it cannot fed. Its purpose is to mate and lay eggs, which is done in six to ten days before it dies.

Image from the Field Book of Insects, 1918

Moon Moth

Birdman of Alcatraz

Birdman of Alcatraz (before a little edit)

Notorious inmates
Birdman born in Seattle
Murder incarceration
Solitary confinement
He studied canaries
Caged like them in his small cell
He let them fly freely
Like his mind behind bars
Never released

Birdman of Alcatraz (after)

Notorious inmate
Birdman born in Seattle
Murder in Alaska

Solitary confinement
He studied canaries

Caged in his small cell
He let them fly freely
Like his mind behind bars


dVerse prompt to edit a poem with concern for noun and verb; adjective and adverb. This was a spontaneous poem written on a postcard during August Postcard Poetry Festival.

Birdman of Alcatraz

Beach Hikes

Beach hikes are the best because there is no elevation. I can walk for miles, barefooted, sand between my toes and shells strewn along the way. Waves repeating melody cancels the cares of the world, healing power of sound and saltwater.

Except in some beaches of Portugal where the hike to the small beach among rugged cliffs is near impossible. A road leads down, the surf pounds and beware of being pulled under.

In Crete the road winds along sharp curves, narrow, sometimes one lane, for miles going down until finally, there is an expanse of beach, pink sand and clear water.

in any season

this offering to the land

brought by the sea

Beach Hikes