
two I put on in the morning


while looking down

where is the other hedgehog

and the striped one with skulls

this will have to do

slip my foot into the shoe

no one will ever know

how wild I start my day


dVerse prompt on the word “wild” in quadrille



The last time I saw Eduardo was at Hoxie’s funeral. It was a sad affair as he was a young man gone too soon. Eduardo had once cried as he told me his testimony. Not Hoxie’s testimony but his own. Hoxie’s I never heard. Now we were sitting together at a funeral and he doesn’t speak. He had left the church about a year ago.

Hoxie, however, died in the church. Not hypothetically, but literally, died in the church. He was teaching Sunday school and collapsed on the floor. Nobody knew CPR. I was backsliding that day or else I would have been there. I heard later that there was nothing anyone could do, not even prayer— it was an aneurism.

There was a lot of guilt mixed in with sorrow that perhaps had I been there that I could have saved Hoxie’s life. I had never saved anyone except a Red Cross CPR mannequin. Good enough to blow into the fake lungs and press down the chest to keep the nonexistent blood flowing. I thought at the time that had I been there, had I been in line physically and spiritually that Hoxie would have lived!  The church people told me there was nothing anyone could have done.  I was beginning to believe them.

have faith in small things

a snowflake falling on tongue

can quench more than thirst


dVerse prompt on beginnings — this is the start of a story I am telling.
