Being Close to Lions

Describe a risk you took that you do not regret.

In open safari vehicle

my driver Robert

drives right up on the lions

who have killed and eaten

a Cape buffalo

of last night’s hunt

I can smell the carcass

and hope that they

are too full

to find interest in me

Being Close to Lions

My Daughter Remembers

My mother gave me Grapenuts

while other kids got Frootloops

those artificially-colored

little donut shaped

sugar puffed




with a toucan

singing commercials

guiding me through the taste

smells and sight of delicious

candy like breakfast nutrition created

to make me want more and more

dVerse prompt— a fruitloop (sp) daydream

My Daughter Remembers


The seed of a poem lay dormant in my heart, like turnips I planted last summer, old seed that I threw on the ground. I watered and watered and a few sprouted, needing protection from slugs. I left them in the fall. Their winter was hard and had snow, while I traveled across country, then across continents into Africa, to tropical landscapes and 12 foot kale.

I forgot about my garden back home, my newly planted asparagus, lingonberry bushes, shallots, garlic and those old turnip seeds. Forgot about my hopes that a winter garden was possible.

In March my husband returned home without me (he doesn’t go overseas). He got the urge to work in the garden. His call to me, “Is this a vegetable or a weed?” It was my turnip.


dVerse prompt flash nonfiction in 144 words or less using the quote in italics by Valsa George from Winged Words
