Great Albatross

With your long white wings

come in from the sea

make me a believer that all is possible

when I see your hooked beak

I will sing with joy

and if you walk on the beach with wobbly feet

I will marry again my best friend


NaPoWriMo April 29 prompt

Great Albatross


Triceratops stomped on the crustacean earth

tons of grazing herbivore

with a three-horned face

and thirty feet

of bones set in stone

is all that remains

and the twelve inch trioceros

three-horned chameleon

from parts of Africa

found in zoos and pet shops

is reminiscent

of that dinosaur


NaPoWriMo April 4 prompt to write about something strange from The Strangest Things in the World book written in 1958. I chose Uganda’s Miniature Dinosaur.


Remembering Moby Dick

Sometimes it sounds like the start

of a dirty joke rather than a quest

for notorious white whale

(one that could take down ships)

[remembering how killer whales

would attack the keel of a vessel

to take it down in the Mediterranean

or a forty-four foot sperm whale beached

near Tampa Bay]

remembering Moby Dick

on thé high seas

ready to face the harpoon


NaPoWriMo prompt April 1 to remember a book read years ago. Was in Florida when 44 foot sperm whale beached in Venice.

Remembering Moby Dick