Confusion of Wildebeests

Noise and confusion

when wildebeests congregate

for the great migration

zebras roam along

find safety in the millions

they are coming for greener lands

from Tanzania to Kenya

across the Mara River

where crocodiles wait


NaPoWriMo April 15 prompt to be inspired by a stamp

Confusion of Wildebeests

Safari Animals

Hippo looks so very slow

just make it mad

and watch it go

Cheetah lying in the grass

sways its tail while leaning back

waiting for an antelope

Elephant eats and eats

tearing branches from a tree

makes a big dung pile

Zebra photographs the best

standing lovely with its stripes

is it black or is it white

Maasai giraffe has different patterns

not so common as the others

its neck touches tree tops

Lion eats a killed buffalo

sleeps in the day to get some rest

back to the hunt at night


dVerse prompt on animals

Safari Animals