Song of Satan

I fell like lightning 

Cast out in all my glory

With a song

I go on singing

It was I who made Eve eat the fruit

Cain did my bidding and Abel died

I sing the song of war

All evil both night and day

Blessed I threw the spear

I intercede with hosts of demons

When you possess me

All hell will sing

dVerse prompt on a monster’s point of view

Song of Satan

Finding Kindness

I am on an inner search for kindness in my life.  How I was rescued from my own dispair or sought to help another.  Not wanting to confuse kindness with congeniality or cultural differences I felt a lifting of the heart when I thought of You.

The day You sent a message to the children of Israel that You would come again.  The prophets wrote Your words that we should all repent.  Hard to see the kindness in rebuke or recompense yet Your hope is there.

Let the soul find GOD

Hidden in small daily chores

I fall to my knees


dVerse haibun prompt on kindness, still searching

Finding Kindness


Why is it so difficult to serve the cup of kindness or drink from it?  The cup of cruelty still being offered up around the world as I sip my coffee and read The Post.  Today’s headline of officials charged and the president fumes with frustration.

Now I want to measure my kindness in cups.  A half cup of kind word.  Three quarters of humility mixed with a cup of understanding.  Maybe I can find a kinder way in a sometimes cruel world.

Be kind for the day

All resonants from within

Learn to give and take

dVerse prompt haibun on kindness



French platoon

Pack of riders

Save energy riding close




The peloton travels

As birds flying in formation

Slip off



Develop fluid center


Peloton Quilt by Fran Fuller for Ars Poetica Fiber Artists and Writers Collaboration at the Bainbridge Artisans Resource Network (BARN)

from on erasure poem:

dVerse prompt on erasure


Worn Out



Old joints need oil

To keep them running smooth

Flax oil fish oil

To try to stop their creak

Stretch and flex


It’s more than just a prayer

Eat right

Live healthy

Follow the golden rule

Better to creak then croak

dVerse prompt on quadrille using the word creak

Worn Out

Beach Walk

The sand on my feet, waves lap at the leg of my pants, the water sometimes warm, sometimes cold. I can walk for miles on the beach and always search for a shell or a rock or some mysterious shape.

The best beach walk is after an all night storm and in the morning there is
calm. If you find your way before dawn there are only a few people. You might be the first to find a sea bean that has travelled all the way from Costa Rica.

water moves on earth
uniting the continents
seeks its own border

Beach Walk

Iowa Bootleg

In the era of prohibition came Templeton Rye

a bootleg whiskey with a golden shine

smuggled in cases for many to try

favorite in speakeasies across the state line

even in Chicago Al Capone said it was fine

numbered small batches still being made today 

from that same old recipe its here to stay

dVerse prompt on rhyme royal about a whiskey made in Iowa

Iowa Bootleg