Facebook Love

Facebook knows more about me

than I know about myself

it wants to embrace me

within its algorithms

show me my next vacation

what I should buy

based on my last search

who my friends really are

in a bombardment

of information and disinformation


dVerse quadrille prompt using the word embrace

honing down on my love/hate relationship with Facebook

Facebook Love

Mumbly Peg

I never cared much for whiskey

beer okay when its cold

drinking myself into a stupor

not high on my list of does

but yesterday I wanted a hunting knife

a short fixed blade with a sheath

I think of how I was taught

a game called mumbly peg

so holding the wooden handle

tossing the knife in the air

I watched it fall to the ground

and thought of my father’s despair


A first time for me prompting to Poets and Storytellers United based on a game my father taught me

Mumbly Peg

A Stone for Peace

Tramway granite from near Aioi Bridge

target of first atomic bomb

on Hiroshima City

6 August 1945 8:15am

stone stayed

silk burned

odor of charred meat or burning hair

I took note of this at the Vatican Museum

A Stone for Peace

from Hiroshima

displayed on the wall

carved into stone is Kannon

Goddess of Mercy

who prays for eternal peace


dVerse prompt on war— in 1991, 188 slabs were individually hand carved to be distributed by Stone for Peace Association of Hiroshima.

A Stone for Peace

Is that an eagle?

In Anchorage there were lots of ravens but I did not see eagles. An osprey flew over Gazzam Lake with talons holding a fish. It looked cartoonish, its nest perched high. In southeastern Texas, a bird of prey circled and settled in a towering pine. “What is that bird?” I asked. It’s an eagle they said. Pretty sure that’s an eagle.

I have seen bald eagles, juveniles, goldens. This was no eagle. This was a smaller bird, darker, sleek and slender. There are still those who thought they saw an eagle. It was a Mississippi kite. It came again the next day and waited awhile on a wire.

now at Autumn Lake

this flock of cedar waxwings

flying north to Spring


dVerse prompt to write a haibun concerning the eagle.

Is that an eagle?