

a thud on the window

see-through glass brings the woods outside in

just for a second the bird believed it could fly into my living room

hit hard

spine fracturing thump



a pine siskin is convulsing outside on the deck

its beak moving as if it eats

feet traveling in a journey

wings that cannot move


No Words

« Darkness came, full of moths and beetles.  I was oppressed by the velvety emptiness of the word and swathes of soft grass.  Then the fumes of the night put me to sleep. ».  Laurie Lee


in the dark no words

moths and beetles take to air

I sleep night’s fragrance



dVerse prompt to change Laurie Lee’s prose to poetry.  Thanks for some great prose to work with. #4

No Words


« I had never been so close to grass before.  It towered above me and all around me, each blade tattooed with tiger-skins of sunlight.  It was knife-edge, dark and wicked green, thick as a forest and alive with grasshoppers that chirped and chattered, and leapt through the air like monkies.»    Laurie Lee


thick the grass will grow

wicked green as a forest

where grasshoppers leap

dVerse prompt to change Laurie Lee prose to poetry  #3


Hard Cider

« That first long secret drink of golden fire, juice of those valleys and of that time, wine of the wild orchards, of russet summer, of plump red apples, and Rosie’s burning cheeks.  Never to be forgotten, or ever tasted again. »             Laurie Lee

drink apple cider

fermented like days of old

brings fire to cheeks


dVerse prompt to make Laurie Lee prose into poem. #2

Hard Cider


« White elder blossom and dog roses hug in the hedges, blank as unwritten paper, and the hot empty road reflected Sunday’s waste and indifference.  High sulky summer sucked me towards it. »  Laurie Lee

dogwood blossoms near

line road to imperfection

I walk in that heat

dVerse prompt to take prose writing of Laurie Lee and make it a poem.

Four choices and I want to do all four in haiku.


Salad & Song

Golden pea pods are on the vine, easy to see against the green.  Patches of spinach, arugula, kale, chard and beet greens.  Let’s go make a salad.  Add scallions, fresh herbs- parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme.  Now I am in a song.

Be patient tending tomato, cucumber and pepper plants.  Someday they too will join in the salad.

wake from day to day

pray for more sun and some rain

we eat from the bowl

Salad & Song

Stoop and Conquer

In spring and summer most of my time is used in the garden

at times I think I have too much garden


Picking and plucking along the ground

weeds are like words in my garden


Time to share with hummingbirds and bees

who bury themselves in plants of the garden


Slugs don’t stand a chance if they climb through my fence

I will murder them if they enter green garden


I could buy a bag of peppers from the grocery store

would rather I harvest from plants in the garden


Joy of seeing a chipmunk or black-capped chickadee

as they pick out seeds from the garden


Now I know why my beans didn’t grow

because of that mole in my garden



dVerse prompt to write a ghazal

Stoop and Conquer