
Walk out of this old way

into all the blessings

from now and forever


This One who blesses

knows exactly every need

why wait for another day


You are the blessed

who taught us how to pray

“thy kingdom come”


Bless your kingdom

and every moment of the hour

as we enter in



dVerse prompt on Blessings










When summer came it was hot with no air conditioning.  None in the house or in the car, just midriff top, ponytail and short shorts.  I walked barefoot to the pool everyday, my soles grew tough from the  concrete.  When too hot to walk I rode my bike downhill, arms splayed out, look ma no hands, creating my own current of air all the way to the park and the pool.  My legs were strong from the journey home.

I loved butterflies, little green snakes and swimming, but mostly the weekends to churn the homemade ice cream.  The kids would turn the crank, add the rock salt and turn the crank more until the egg, cream and sugar mixture thickened.  Mom would serve it up after dinner.  There was no better way to chill than hand-churned ice cream.


temperature will rise

summer heat pours out memories

time not forgotten

dVerse Haibun on summer

photo courtesy of Karen McDougal at KarensChicNShabby


Eulogy for a Chipmunk

I saw you dying in the garden bed

you were not your frisky little self

hurry quick under the deck

cheeks puffed out with bird seed

I called you Chippy when I saw you

childhood joy of seeing a chipmunk


I buried you under the rhododendron

where other pets are now bones

you were my wild one

who came unannounced

wanting food


I was sad when Chippy died

but yesterday I saw three more



open mike at dVerse



Eulogy for a Chipmunk



She told him to go but he demanded to stay

Hardly knew him yet he put hands on her

At first she was eager to get to meet him

Another sunny day in the mid town park

Trees lined the trail they twice had walked

Today was a different sobering event

as he pushed her into concealing brush

laid out on top of her hard and heavy

until the hatpin left her hat

blunged it straight through his back

into his heart and now a crime



dVerse prompt using 1920s mugshot



Because water can suffocate, my mother taught me to swim. She was a swimmer herself, a lifeguard and a good teacher. I learned quickly in a lake where she would stand on the sandy bottom and help me go under. I could see her legs in the murky water. Later she took me to the swimming pool where she made me jump off the diving board into deep water.

I never joined a team. In lessons I was the teacher and the taught. Ended up coaching the swim team and loved to hone the skill of others. To see them build their technique, strength and endurance. To help them love their sport and learn to race to win although sometimes they didn’t. I could swim for miles without regret.

Straight path in water
Don’t forget when you need breath
Eyes on the finish

dVerse prompt for haibun Monday on a sport


Condition of the Soil

I have been away one year short of a decade. There is lots of gardening to do.  It is not that a man can’t tend the garden.  Yes, men can mow, turn the soil, weed whack, uproot the invasive blackberry vine, chop up the fallen trees and fill the wood shed.  In a little corner plant some vegetables and prune the fruit trees.


My touch calms the plants, brings nourishment and mulch to their roots.  Old blooms are removed, dead branches clipped.  I tend to little things.  See a bug before it eats the whole plant.  Build a nursery bed and let seedlings grow.  Know the life cycle of a common weed and notice the small wild dogtooth violet and try to cultivate it.  Go beyond the obvious and hope he remembers.


force beyond control

found knee deep in the garden

speak of little things

Condition of the Soil