Learning to Speak

Today my one year old granddaughter

stood outside

looking outward

blue sky green trees

pointing upward



pointing again


wide eyes

finger pointing


and I know

she is saying


“tree” I say



Learning to Speak

Goin to the Beach

What is your favorite type of weather?

Goin’ to the beach weather

cold and windy I bundle up

with layers under my down vest

wool cap on my head


and when it’s hot

I strip down

bare legs

get feet wet

lay in the sand

goin’ to the beach weather

in all kinds of weather

Goin to the Beach

From Washington to Florida

You’re going on a cross-country trip. Airplane, train, bus, car, or bike?

So many ways to go

from Washington to Florida

driving and camping

Interstates 10 or 20

Cochise Stronghold to San Antonio

or on the Freedom Trail

40 and 70

standing on the corner in Winslow Arizona

see the Grand Canyon

or smell the bourbon in Kentucky

80 or 90

side trip to Yellowstone

Black Hills and the Badlands

or through Wyoming and Nebraska

pronghorn sheep and flatland

América the Beautiful

van life

From Washington to Florida

Barbie Movie

What movies or TV series have you watched more than 5 times?

I watched it with my husband

I watched it with my friends

I watched it with my daughter

I watched it until the end

I watched it when it was streaming

now I’m watching it again

So glad that Barbie got at least one Oscar.

I thought she had a chance at adapted screenplay and best supporting actor or production design. What other actor could have played Ken besides Ryan Gosling? I so wanted him to win.

Barbie Movie

Travel Plans

Where would you go on a shopping spree?

I’d pack my bag and go to the airport

take a ride on Air Portugal

(the stewards are very handsome)

and when I land in Lisbon

I’d get me a car

to drive to the Algarve

straight to Benagil Beach

(the lifeguards are very handsome)

where I’d buy me a house

and stay for awhile

that’s why I practice my Portuguese

Travel Plans

He Asked Why

Por que otra vez la Primavera ofrece sus vestidos verdes? Pablo Neruda

He asks why

after winter time

stripped bare again

this precocious Spring

pregnancy which offers

even adorns more of her

abundant frock made green

natures perfect dresses


dVerse prompt to take a Neruda question with a choice of free verse echoing in English of my own translation of Neruda’s question. Ignore the poem in Portuguese—- cannot figure out how to delete it

dVerse prompt to take a Neruda question with a choice of free verse echoing in English of my own translation of Neruda’s question.

He Asked Why

Death by Axe

Time travel me back

to that great lecture hall

where Professor Knox

(fresh out of Germany)

stood at the pulpit of knowledge

(I still have the notes)

taught of the Russian revolutions

(I studied Trotsky)

Trotsky exiled many times

teamed with Lenin

foe to Stalin

murdered with an ice axe


dVerse prompt on being “young and green” so remembering some college days

Death by Axe