
I wore it on my head

delirious from its weight

wanting to stay upright

posed and productive

ruling my thoughts

with more thoughts

demanding right words

to subjugate my subjects

learning to turn glistening crown

of diamonds and pearls

to a crown of thorns


dVerse quadrille prompt with the word crown


On the Death of Robert Bly

I wanted him to live to be one hundred even though his readings had stopped years ago. Who am I to judge how long a man should live? Or how his living, his writing, his teaching helped my life. I was just a woman in his workshop at Centrum learning as much as I could.

He would take his class on writing walks. One day on a beach hike, we stood together and watched a fish die in the sand. Another day, we sat with an old stump that had once held up something magnificent. We translated Francis Ponge, “the poet of things”, and looked deeply into an orange.

seasons come and go

left alone to find my way

sad hearing the rain


dVerse prompt to write a haibun on something or someone to be thankful for

On the Death of Robert Bly

Little Colorado River

Turquoise water—

God or weather had made the way

for what could have been brown with silt

but not on this day—

clear was the Little Colorado River

as it careened past quick sand

past boulders

and sacred places

into the confluence

of rivers


dVerse prompt to write a quadrille using the word careen, Learn more about this sacred place

Little Colorado River