

Civil War sisters

stayed on the farm

baled the hay

plucked the geese

found meadowlark eggs

when bringing home the cows


Brothers went to war

carried a musket

lived in a trench



but lived to tell


Sisters and brothers

halves and wholes

swore by the candlelight

there would be slaves no more


Bridge in Alabama


Short drive ahead to the bridge in Alabama.  Structurely sound destination after all morning at the museum in Montgomery.  State flag criss cross in red paint, the hands of children.

A group of students move quickly through the displays, the guide stopping for a moment at the cotton gin.  In the next room a KKK robe complete with hoodie.  

Follow that cotton trail down to the market square, dressed in cotton shorts and tops, to profit from the unknown.  Slaves were traded here under a necklace of lock and key.

On the other side of the street is the state capital building.  One block to the south, the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, where plans were made.

Where others walked not so long ago, we drive the Freedom Trail, and finish where they started, the Edmund Pettus Bridge, named for a Confederate General and KKK Red Dragon.

On a building wall situated in the middle of town is a huge sign “Honor the past.  Build the future.”  Forgive the past and know that there are many dishonorable events.

Bridge in Alabama

Job No More

My last day of work was Wednesday.  I am saying farewell to  twenty eight years of coaching.  Next to nothing compared to life. Always telling people what to do. Now the real life begins. Farewell to the people was not easy. Some said goodbye to me and some did not. No tears, just smiles and recognition. Will I recognize you later on the streets, riding the ferry, or in a pool?

Job No More