Drawn by Light

After the day moths fly inside

not hidden in the window’s glide

drawn by the light in hopes to stay

as if pulled by an ebbing tide

lost in movement of mortal way

Moths fly inside after the day


dVerse prompt to write a sparrowlet

Drawn by Light


I thought it was Spring

but things are not always what they seem

last night it snowed

wind whipped over my rose

will the buds survive

as weather drops below twenty five


dVerse prompt on proverb or adage. “Things are not always what they seem” from Aesop’s Fables Bee-keeper and the Bees. I thought we were having an early Spring here in the NW. Not so.


Sleeping In

I have forgotten what breakfast tastes like. Although it is known as the most important meal of the day, I sleep through it. No smells of bacon and coffee brewed. It is winter and I am asleep in my bed. Outside the plants do the same. They are not yet ready to be uncovered.

deep roots in soil

keep life suspended in time

waiting for new warmth


dVerse prompt for a winter haibun

Sleeping In