

To be prepared

To write a poem

A newborn baby

Or an atom bomb

Fat on love

And chocolate cake

To be home

To write

To finish


A poem

A Roethke wild wave

A quiet reptilian calm

To be the Quasimodo

Of gardens



That pearl smile

Of truth

I wrote a poem


NaPoWriMo April 25 prompt to answer questions supplied and write a poem based on your answers


Honey Love

Too much honey i poured straight from the jar

telling myself it would make things sweeter

how the taste would linger deep in my throat

poison to swallow when my love is far


give too much honey myself and I’m weaker

find a balance on this menu of love

sweet and sour are good combinations

let it bind in robust flavor for two


My love is greater with the right antidote

not one or the other but a nice mix

all ingredients combined in a bowl

stirred into an harmonious union


Too much honey can spoil the batter

love is a complex evolving matter


NaPoWriMo Day 9 to write a love sonnet

Honey Love

I’m Somebody! Who are you?

I’m Somebody! Who are you?

Are you Somebody too?

Then there’s a pair of us!

Tell everyone! They won’t advertise you know!

How exciting to be Nobody!

How hidden like a clam

To not tell one’s name

all of June

To an unadmirering blog!


NaPoWriMo 2023 Day 3 prompt to write an opposite poem from one of your favorite poems. I did Emily Dickinson’s I’m Nobody! Who are you?

I’m Somebody! Who are you?