
Marveling at your bird app

Mimic sounds of a species

Make a tufted titmouse sing

Move in on a sandhill crane

Mating call is now released

Menacing drop of its head

Mark your retreat with rigor


dVerse prompt to use the Pleiades form—

seven lines, each line has seven syllables and must start with the first letter of the one word title (true story about my husband and his birding)


New Moon Deep Sand

I remember sleeping out under the stars during a Girl Scout campout. It was an open area, few light pollutants and a cloudless night. I learned the North Star (Polaris), the dippers both Big and Little (Ursa Major and Minor), Cassiopeia, and as we lay on our sleeping bags looking up,  a cross directly above us. The scout leader shone a flashlight into the direction she wanted us to look and we could follow her light to the next star or constellation.

Decades later I woke on my cot in the middle of the night. I was at the Upper Tanner on the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. New moon. Deep sand. It was so hot, I lay naked on my sleeping bag. I couldn’t sleep, watched the Milky Way, and saw Pleiades rising.  

under this one sky

a circle magnificent 

above or below


dVerse prompt to write a haibun of an experience in the natural world that influenced your life.  Going through the Grand Canyon on a rafting trip grounded my life to the power of nature (God).

New Moon Deep Sand


November pulls the daylight shorter

crisp long shadows

a cool moon

hallways of justice écho

will there be unfaithful electors

in this month of political aspiration

migrating birds begin their journey

when there is snow on the ground

they will come to the feeder

Today the hawk came

perched on the fence

I do not want to witness

hawk swooping

to squirrel or bird

or my small dog

the hawk


with talons

and hunger


dVerse prompt on November combined with prompt on witnessing


Election Day

Election Day brings happiness

when your favorite candidate wins

you watch the results roll in

glued to the tube or your cellphone screen

too late to rally or sway a voter

polls are closed and the counting started

my vote one in the millions


dVerse prompt on a quadrille of happiness- today is Election Day. I have no idea who will win.

Election Day