Identity Crisis


facial ID

doesn’t know me


even forgot




was this a fugue state

police state

or dream state








dVerse prompt choosing the “line” end and putting in more ends. Bringing out frustration when facial id won’t recognize me. Started with

Today facial ID doesn’t know me

I even forgot who I was

Was this a fugue state

Police state

Or a dream state

Identity Crisis

My Inglenook

No conversation in my quarantine

Read a good book

Tell a wild tale about how it will end


I go to a place i feel safe and warm

My inglenook

Irregardless of my disappointment

There is a way to sit pray and lament


dVerse prompt on “inglenook” quadrille and I threw in a cavatina

My Inglenook

Travelling in the Wilderness

takes preparation

(is it still the wilderness if you are prepared)

make sure you have water

(do not waste it on frivolous things like bathing)

foods that can keep without refrigeration

(dried foods give me gas……. make me fart)

a dry place to sleep in case of rain

(wet gear is not fun)

4-wheel drive and good clearance underneath

(travel can lead off road and become no road)

a full tank of gas

(walking to find gas in a wild place can be deadly)

know your directions and landmarks

(being lost in the wild is the worst)

enjoy the wilderness experience

(promise to return)


dVerse prompt to use a given line from Surfacing by Kathleen Jamie and make that line the title of your poem. My choice was travelling in the wilderness.

Travelling in the Wilderness