Town of Manzanar

after Executive Order No. 9066

Taken from their homes

hardly time to pack a suitcase

no pets can come

to this place between Sierra Nevada

and the Inyo Mountains

barbed wire kept them in

shot if you go out

yet in those confines of wire and desert

a community

a school

a hospital



baseball field


NaPoWriMo April 20 prompt to write of an historical event. I visited the Manzanar National Historic Site in California today. A sad event in American history.

Town of Manzanar

What If

What if I had never married, the thought haunting my memories. My children say, “But then you would have never had us,” and I know they are right. How one lack of an event would make them disappear, and I think of Marty in Back to the Future. Haunting thought that it takes a lightning strike on the flux capacitor to make the future what it is.


NaPoWriMo April 19 prompt to use haunting in a poem and then change haunting to hunting.


What if I had never married, the thought hunting my memories. My children say, “But then you would have never had us,” and I know they are right. How one lack of an event would make them disappear, and I think of Marty in Back to the Future. Hunting thought that it takes a lightning strike on the flux capacitor to make the future what it is.

What If

Ready for More while Traveling

Ready for more water when out on a desert hike and I forgot my Yeti. The dog is panting and I have no water to give him. I make the dog some shade with my shadow and keep walking back.

Ready for more open roads with no closure signs, no road work ahead, no traffic jams. May the roads be paved and not bumpy. That everyone will use caution when there is a storm.

Ready for more good weather in the desert and in the mountains. Blue skies with tuffs of cloud, a breeze and when it comes, a gentle rain.

Ready for more songs of peace on the radio. Peace between nations and peace in the heart of humanity.


NaPoWriMo April 14 prompt to write an anaphora.

Ready for More while Traveling

From Washington to Florida

You’re going on a cross-country trip. Airplane, train, bus, car, or bike?

So many ways to go

from Washington to Florida

driving and camping

Interstates 10 or 20

Cochise Stronghold to San Antonio

or on the Freedom Trail

40 and 70

standing on the corner in Winslow Arizona

see the Grand Canyon

or smell the bourbon in Kentucky

80 or 90

side trip to Yellowstone

Black Hills and the Badlands

or through Wyoming and Nebraska

pronghorn sheep and flatland

América the Beautiful

van life

From Washington to Florida

Travel Plans

Where would you go on a shopping spree?

I’d pack my bag and go to the airport

take a ride on Air Portugal

(the stewards are very handsome)

and when I land in Lisbon

I’d get me a car

to drive to the Algarve

straight to Benagil Beach

(the lifeguards are very handsome)

where I’d buy me a house

and stay for awhile

that’s why I practice my Portuguese

Travel Plans

Boat from Crete to Santorini

The boat from Crete to Santorini made almost everybody sick, except for an old man, book in hand, who read the whole way. The three young men behind me had smoked their pot and were calm as calm could be out on the sea. A youth soccer team at first enjoyed the ride then moaned in agony. It became a mass hysteria of barfing and prayers that we make it to the end.


dVerse prompt — boat

Boat from Crete to Santorini