Confusion of Wildebeests

Noise and confusion

when wildebeests congregate

for the great migration

zebras roam along

find safety in the millions

they are coming for greener lands

from Tanzania to Kenya

across the Mara River

where crocodiles wait


NaPoWriMo April 15 prompt to be inspired by a stamp

Confusion of Wildebeests


“What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow out of this stony rubbish?”

(Richard always asked questions. Even when he was giving an answer, he would speak the answer in the form of a question. Sometimes that made life miserable and misunderstood. Other times it brought clarity and enlightenment.)

“Was it rhubarb?”


dVerse prompt using the line from The Wasteland by T S Eliot



At the airport in Catania I am randomly stopped during the security scan. My hands are swabbed for explosives. I showered after digging into the ground at Mt Etna so there should be no residue on my hands where I held the small lava stones still hot from the last eruption. “Your telephone.” Huh, I just came through the scanner. “What?” I ask. She thinks I ask why? “Your telephone,” she stearnly repeats. My telephone number?” I ask. ( That is the only thing relatable to my telephone that I have on me.). “Your telephone,” the voice grows louder. My daughter intervenes and pulls my old card. Saves me from the young Sicilian security woman as I remember my telephone is on the conveyor belt waiting for me and I forget every telephone number I ever knew.. Lost in translation— who calls the cell phone a telephone anymore?  
