Plan to Letterpress

The process of letterpress is my plan for how to publish. Pressing words or an image into paper, sending the ink into the surface a little deeper and partaking in printing antiquity are reasons that encourage me to action.

The poems have already been chosen, a series of haiku written many years ago while hiking in Cathedral Park in Canada. The poems will cut sharp as scree on the mountainside into the paper.

Press ink on paper

Tell of Stone City and larch

In a season past


dVerse prompt on plan for writing and how in the springtime I plan to learn letterpress and do a chapbook of haiku

Plan to Letterpress

Change A’Comin

you change a diaper to get the shit out

obviously change is good

yet why is it resisted

unless you need to change a tire

without it you cannot roll

last minute change to your airline ticket

will cost you some more dough

if you change the ingredients in a recipe

it won’t taste as good as told

you’re hot you change the temperature

when you see it coming

don’t resist your change

or think it is just for others

after buying something with a dollar

you expect to get your change



dVerse prompt on change

Change A’Comin

Mountain Bear Woman

Fire was on the other side of the ridge bringing the bears to the hillside of Two Medicine Lake.    I watched them from a distance as they foraged in the short brush.  That afternoon on a tour boat cruising  the length of the lake,  a huge grizzly bear was seen on the shore.


On the return trip, the grizzly had moved from the shoreline to a mound of black huckleberries.  On the other side of the bushes, a woman was picking the berries, oblivious to the bear.


Mountain Bear Woman

Joined in kindred spirit at

Two Medicine Lake




dVerse animal prompt – this was the first time I ever saw a grizzly at Glacier National Park

Mountain Bear Woman

How to Kick a Bucket

set the pail down

make sure to wear a shoe

or a boot may be better

with running start

the distance makes no difference

if you miss just keep on going

or stand beside the bucket

look down to see it empty

simply tip it


dVerse prompt quadrillé using kick – one origin of “kick the bucket” is the Catholic use of holy water at the feet of a corpse – the corpse would stretch its legs and tip the bucket

How to Kick a Bucket