What Season is This?

What season is this

wear a mask for groceries

or you will get sick

What season is this

watch lawlessness on tv

in the name of change

What season is this

where travel is restricted

all over the world

What season is this

when people defy rule

to loot for big screen

What season is this

who saw Jesus statue fall

in mobocracy

What season is this

without fear of authority

that a way be made

What season is this

we stay away from people

end humanity

What season is this

worried for our liberties

while some hold rifle

What season is this

wayward disobedience

taunting the police

What season is this

welcome truthful dialogue

no taking of sides


dVerse prompt to write a series of haiku — I am baffled by what is going on in the USA

What Season is This?

Into the Bramble

wild blackberries

plump & ripe

grow in a bramble

of their own vines

make picking slow

& deliberate

sometimes bloody

when arms are uncovered

yet we pick

knowing their sweetness

in a pie— jam— cobbler or wine

so into the bramble we go


dVerse quadrille on bramble

Into the Bramble