He Asked Why

Por que otra vez la Primavera ofrece sus vestidos verdes? Pablo Neruda

He asks why

after winter time

stripped bare again

this precocious Spring

pregnancy which offers

even adorns more of her

abundant frock made green

natures perfect dresses


dVerse prompt to take a Neruda question with a choice of free verse echoing in English of my own translation of Neruda’s question. Ignore the poem in Portuguese—- cannot figure out how to delete it

dVerse prompt to take a Neruda question with a choice of free verse echoing in English of my own translation of Neruda’s question.

He Asked Why

A Place in the Sun

Houses for sale in the Algarve

follow the cobblestone to the yellow one

imagine myself speaking Portuguese

eu escrevo em poesia

nadar no Mediterrâneo

cultivar vegetais


dVerse prompt concerning an imagined house — I’ll take one in the Algarve of Portugal. Translation:

I write in poetry/ swim in the Mediterranean/grow vegetables

A Place in the Sun

Then and Now


condemned to severe punishment in hell

compelled to fill with water

a vessel full of holes

water runs out as soon as poured in

their labor was infinite

punishment eternal


tried to cheat death

carries a perpetual boulder

up the hill to see it roll back down again

Now the multiverse

peering into the unseen

universe beyond universe

endless explanations


NaPiWriMo Day 12 prompt on past and future based on two dictionaries Lempriere’s Classical Dictionary and the Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction

Then and Now




October 30, 2019, returning from Athens to NYC.   My daughter and I had traveled together for two months without having any major disagreements. There was just one night in Dubai when I was verging on being a selfish, judgmental person; I got over it. At the outset of the trip, I said I wanted only three things— to go to Prayer Mountain in Ghana, to do a day trip to Morocco, and to visit Pompeii.   I am easy to please most of the time.


I take it back. There was a moment on the train from the Athens airport to our hotel in the heart of Athens when I was so nervous about getting off at the correct station that two pickpockets targeted us. My daughter felt a hand in her bag and looked the thief in the eye. He bolted without her wallet. It was an elaborate scheme where one thief held the door from opening, while the other went for the cash. My lesson— stay alert, don’t become a victim.


Now that I am remembering— the other time my daughter got mad at me was at the Catania Airport when I turned into an “ugly American” and told off a group of Italians on the tarmac bus to move closer together so everyone could get on. I was shouting in English and nobody moved an inch.



trip of a lifetime

pray for Europe  Africa

and all of the world




dVerse prompt to use a poem written about myself and write a haibun based on that poem. I used my poem Language written October 7, 2019, while I was on this trip and at one point, didn’t know where I was. Now I pray that someday I can return, especially to Ghana.
