
My grandbaby held my right pointer finger while she was sleeping. Her little digits wrapped around and then she squeezed and she is only one week old and already trying to lift her head. She held my finger for at least an hour while I rocked her in the giraffe chair. I wanted her to wake up so we could play. I wanted to sing Winnie the Pooh to her and read her a story.

When you are so small it is hard to get your pajamas to fit right. They keep riding up under your chin and I keep pulling them down, trying to adjust the bootie footed legs of the pajamas. It is possible to protect your chin from any chafing of a poor fit. What will we do tomorrow when your pjs fit perfectly?

listen little heart

count each breath in this moment

sneeze burp hiccup smile


dVerse prompt to write a haibun and use the word heart



Oh to be able to taste again

I have forgotten what breakfast tastes like

In the sunlight

Hard to tell which part of the body is singing

Too cute

I search the day for pretty words

Coffee coffee buzzbuzzbuzz

So it is settled

This is how the end comes

It is as hot as Texas

There is something about a Queen

I sleep deeply under the strawberry moon


dVerse prompt to take first line of first poem written in each month of 2022. I wasn’t very prolific this year so had to snitch a couple of lines.



New Year’s Day was a birthday for my second born and a smorgasbord for the relatives. Pickled herring, cheeses and pressgurkin, gravlax, pate, pepparrot, Janssons frestelse, kuttbullar, sometimes lutefisk, bruna bonor, appelflask, oxrelader.

Akvavit poured in just the right amount. How we linked arms and shouted “skol”. I can still hear my mother-in-law’s voice, “That will warm the cockles of your heart.”

midwinter hoarfrost

crispy sharp on old flowers

cold stabs in the mind


dVerse haibun prompt on New Year memory. Forgive my Swedish spelling.
