Internet Troll

looking to cause a stir

create a political fervor

dispute curse and malign

watch the digital feathers fly

make remarks to embroil

spread hate with your response

pick a topic

bound to spread division

write the worst you know

to become an internet troll


dVerse prompt to write a quadrille using the word troll

Internet Troll

Mark of the Tattoo

My son the tattoo artist

two delicate piercings on his face

no tattoos

soft brown hair

falls on his shoulder

where a geisha is painted

In such fine detail

the most detail he tells me

of all of his tattoos

this one in colors still brilliant

No branding here

no scarification

just pen and ink

a portrait now a poem

etched on skin

by tattoo artist

my next of kin

The newest one is on his palm

still healing

it is of aum

he talks of pain

of blood letting too

a religious experience for him

and now for you

he tells me of puja

of Ganesh

I see


mark of tattoo

Mark of the Tattoo

Solar Storm Pantoum 

inspired by the Carrington Event


Woke in the night the air so still I lost my belief

where are the big winds suppose to rile these sands

of southwest Arizona blowing out our visibility

insomnia kept me listening craving the predictable

after hours of tossing and some reading

shattering conviction that the storm had come



Where are the big winds suppose to rile these sands

hold up in a villa in Deming i wait it out

insomnia kept me listening craving the predictable

pine wood boards cover the ceiling each knot like a sunspot

shattering conviction that the storm had come

swirling gases of hydrogen and helium ready to flare



pine wood boards cover the ceiling each knot like a sun spot

even they become predictable from prominences and filaments

swirling gases of hydrogen and helium ready to flare

from millions of miles away an aurora borealis is born

even they become predictable from prominences and filaments

we marvel at the beauty of it all



from millions of miles away an aurora borealis is born

sleepless night laid reading about the Carrington Event

we marvel at the beauty of it all

beautiful auroras that spanned into the Caribbean

sleepless night laid reading about the Carrington Event

when the sun touched the earth the newspapers said


dVerse prompt to write a pantoum of which I took some poetic license

Solar Storm Pantoum 

Weather Madness

In March we make our move out of the state of Texas. Head southwest towards the border, a northerly keeps us cold and provides a tail wind. I want to see the border for myself. I want to eat tamales and count butterflies along the Rio Grande.

Tomorrow we will go on towards Davis Mountain and see the stars. If the temperatures rise, we will swim in a spring fed pool but it is March. The weather is unpredictable and we go day by day hoping for some sunshine.

freeze in South Texas

tornadoes in Alabam

flee to promised sun


dVerse prompt on March Madness

Weather Madness