Great Albatross

With your long white wings

come in from the sea

make me a believer that all is possible

when I see your hooked beak

I will sing with joy

and if you walk on the beach with wobbly feet

I will marry again my best friend


NaPoWriMo April 29 prompt

Great Albatross

Cruel Empathy

My dog by the window

wishes he could be Taylor Swift

so he turns on a lamp

pulls up a chair

sets the typewriter typing

now he is writing a love song

about a dog by the window

writing a love song

full of revenge for the dog

who left him

sets his mind to write a book

tell the whole story

of this cruel empathy

sound of the typewriter


NaPoWriMo April 27 prompt to write an American sonnet

Cruel Empathy



To be prepared

To write a poem

A newborn baby

Or an atom bomb

Fat on love

And chocolate cake

To be home

To write

To finish


A poem

A Roethke wild wave

A quiet reptilian calm

To be the Quasimodo

Of gardens



That pearl smile

Of truth

I wrote a poem


NaPoWriMo April 25 prompt to answer questions supplied and write a poem based on your answers


Pillow’s Fight

pencil and the pillow

went to war

pencil thought the pillow would smother it

pillow wanted only to smother the pencil

this they could agree on

pencil had been sharpened

to a dangerous point by the pencil sharpener

pencil stabbed repeatedly into the pillow

tearing it into pieces

now the pencil called for more pencils

to fight the many pieces of pillow

escalating the battle

forgetting their true purpose

of writing and resting the head


NaPoWriMo April 22 prompt on two unlikely subjects in a fight

Pillow’s Fight

Town of Manzanar

after Executive Order No. 9066

Taken from their homes

hardly time to pack a suitcase

no pets can come

to this place between Sierra Nevada

and the Inyo Mountains

barbed wire kept them in

shot if you go out

yet in those confines of wire and desert

a community

a school

a hospital



baseball field


NaPoWriMo April 20 prompt to write of an historical event. I visited the Manzanar National Historic Site in California today. A sad event in American history.

Town of Manzanar

What If

What if I had never married, the thought haunting my memories. My children say, “But then you would have never had us,” and I know they are right. How one lack of an event would make them disappear, and I think of Marty in Back to the Future. Haunting thought that it takes a lightning strike on the flux capacitor to make the future what it is.


NaPoWriMo April 19 prompt to use haunting in a poem and then change haunting to hunting.


What if I had never married, the thought hunting my memories. My children say, “But then you would have never had us,” and I know they are right. How one lack of an event would make them disappear, and I think of Marty in Back to the Future. Hunting thought that it takes a lightning strike on the flux capacitor to make the future what it is.

What If