Old Police Station

people of the town argued

what to do with the old police station

it was rotting

sited on a valuable piece of real estate

could there be a grand concert hall there

people from miles away would come

grand attraction for thé community

a grand statement to wealth of the inhabitants

parking for commuters by day

for concert goers in evening

nixed from the get go

too grand a plan

now there is talk of low income housing

four stories high

one hundred units

in an already high density area

police station bulldozed

I am still searching

for five smooth stones


NaPoWriMo April 16 prompt to describe an object or place and end with an abstract sentence

Old Police Station

In the Shade

In the shade of the baobab tree

boto drivers wait to give rides

slim cattle rest from the sun

there are children who sit briefly

watching the cars and trucks

as the dust flies up

and the old men sit in their chairs

or walk further down the road


NaPoWriMo Day 7 prompt to write a list poem

In the Shade